Barabara - Byron Bay NSW
Eco Pain patches really work! I've had chronic pain for the last 14 years with a spinal cord injury and suffer from constant pain. Eco Pain patches are so effective for me for the neuropathic and muscular pain that I have that I wear them 24/7.
They reduce the sensation of pain that I feel and decrease the overall amount of pain I'm in and allow me to function so much better than I can without them.
They are by far the most effective pain patch that I have ever used and I've tried everything there is on the market to help alleviate chronic pain.
One of the best things about them is their ease of application and the fact that they don't fall off. I can go swimming in them and do all sorts of activities with my children in them and they will stay on for a full 12 hours and continue to be effective. I have found that Eco Pain patches have helped me so much. I use them everyday 24/7.
I am never without them - I carry them on me all the time. I use them on my spine daily - the heat that they produce increases the blood flow to the area and really does what it says it will - relieve pain!